Thursday, October 6, 2016

L'exposition des 5 sens par les GS et les CP

The GS and CP's big project of this beginning of the year has been focused on the 5 senses: vue/ouïe/toucher/goût/odorat.

The biggest accomplishment came today with the interactive exhibition they had prepared for the school community.
The last preparation for the exhibit was the making and baking of little cookies in class that would be part of the experiment for the goût...

 smelling the different flavors added...

 mixing the dough...

 rolling the dough...

 ...and today marked the inauguration of the exhibition...

 the smell station...
 the sight station...
 the taste station...where one had to discover what the secret flavor of the cookies was (they had to choose between vanilla, anise, lemon and cinnamon)...
 the hearing station...
the touch had to walk in different materials (acorns, cotton, leaves...), so many different touches on the feet...
 la boîte à toucher (put your hand in it and guess what is in it)...
 What is your favorite smell, chocolate, peanut butter or cinnamon? Vote!
 The smell game was to guess a secret smell and associate it with the right image... (mint, coffee, vinegar, garlic...)

 the taste station and its special cookies...

 the sight could use all sorts of tools that distort sight (magnifying glass, kaleidoscopes...)

 parents were invited and got to experience the 5 senses exhibition...

 the hear could experience with different sounds...

 sounds were different depending on the quantity of liquid in the glass...

 the touch had to associate pairs based on what they felt...

Everyone had such a wonderful time! MERCI beaucoup to the GS and CP and their teachers for all their hard work!!