This year the 3rd and 4th graders participated in a Math Rally, where they competed against other French Schools. We received a list with 16 Math Problems (number 1 easy – number 16 very difficult).
Together as a class, the 3rd and 4th graders were only allowed to solve 8 out of the 16 problems. It was not easy to decide which problems we would choose because we had to be sure to have the right answer in order not to lose points. We also had to decide where to play our two jokers. For these 2 problems we received double the amount of points or had to subtract double the amount of the points in case of a wrong answer.
The first part of the rally in February was very challenging because we were not used to solving logical problems like the ones given in the Math Rally. In addition, we did not quite find the right strategy while discussing amongst ourselves.
Luckily, in March after reflecting a lot, we played the second part of the Rally perfectly. We made no mistakes and were even able to solve the most difficult problems for which we played our jokers.
We are very proud to announce that we earned the silver medal in this contest, competing against other classes, even against classes with 5th graders!
Together as a class, the 3rd and 4th graders were only allowed to solve 8 out of the 16 problems. It was not easy to decide which problems we would choose because we had to be sure to have the right answer in order not to lose points. We also had to decide where to play our two jokers. For these 2 problems we received double the amount of points or had to subtract double the amount of the points in case of a wrong answer.
The first part of the rally in February was very challenging because we were not used to solving logical problems like the ones given in the Math Rally. In addition, we did not quite find the right strategy while discussing amongst ourselves.
Luckily, in March after reflecting a lot, we played the second part of the Rally perfectly. We made no mistakes and were even able to solve the most difficult problems for which we played our jokers.
We are very proud to announce that we earned the silver medal in this contest, competing against other classes, even against classes with 5th graders!