Friday, March 30, 2012

Student Teachers from France

Laura en classe de GS/CP
Emile en classe de CM1/CM2/6ème
Eloïse en classe de PS/MS
Pierrick en classe de CE1/CE2
Eloïse et Pierrick sont arrivés dans notre école le 19 mars. Ils vont rester un mois avec nous. Laura et Emile sont arrivés le 2 avril et vont rester deux semaines. Ils viennent de France où ils apprennent à devenir maîtresse et maître. Ils vont nous aider à travailler, et Eloïse va aussi apprendre aux maternelles à faire des courses d’orientation! 

Eloïse and Pierrick have arrived in our school on March 19. They will be staying with us for a month. Laura and Emile have arrived on April 2 and they will be staying for two weeks. They come from France, where they are studying to become teachers. They are going to help us in our work, and Eloïse is going to teach preschool children about orienteering!

Eloïse and Pierrick are both studying Education at the University of Dijon, France.  During their second year of Masters, their study is comprised of several four week internships, one of them at L'Ecole Française du Maine!  Laura and Emile are both studying Education at the University of Paris-Creteil.  They are all living with host families, the school is very grateful to these families for generously offering their homes for our interns.

Bienvenue Eloïse et Pierrick, Laura et Emile!