Thursday, October 1, 2009

Visit from Curriulum Coordinator of Mission Laïque Française

On September 17, we had a visit form Soizic Bonnet, Curriculum Coordinator for the Mission Laique Française. Ms. Bonnet travels across the country sharing her knowledge and experience with the French schools who are members of the MLF in America. At L'Ecole Française du Maine, Soizic was very busy during her short stay. She conducted classroom observations in all classes and met individually with the teachers and administrators following the observations to give feedback and answer questions. We were all happy to benefit from her extensive knowledge and years of teaching experience at all levels. Soizic also read or new Projet d'Ecole and gave us valuable feedback on that as well. Her advice and contributions are helpful and appreciated as we move forward with our concentrated efforts in the area of oral language development in our school.