Monday, January 23, 2012
Stage AEFE à l'Ecole Internationale de Boston
Jean-François and Yassine participated in a workshop at the International School of Boston on the core curriculum, using the personal assessment booklets and individualized pedagogy.
Since 2005 the countries of the European Union have agreed on 8 key skills students need to have acquired at the end of their compulsory schooling in order to be independent and responsible citizens.
A common base of skills has been created, divided into three levels (end of grade two, end of grade 5 and end of grade 9). The personal assessment booklet is a tool to assess the acquisition of these skills:
• Mastery of the French language
• Main elements of mathematics, sciences and technology
• Human culture
• Social and civic skills
• Mastery of techniques for basic information and communication
• Independence and initiative
• Mastery of a second language
We are very satisfied by this training, which was brilliantly conducted by Ms Dubois-Lazzarotto, Inspector of the Ministry of Education in Paris. We were also able to exchange with colleagues from other French schools in the US (Boston, Houston, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, New York and New Orleans) and Canada.