Preschool children are working on their motor skills.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
La Brigade d'Intervention Poétique
Don't forget to visit the K-1 class blog for more amazing articles! (
La BIP, c'est la Brigade d'Intervention Poétique, dont le but est d'offrir à l'improviste aux autres classes des poèmes. The Poetry Squad's goal is to unexpectedly offer poems to other classes.Cela permet aux élèves de s'exprimer fort et distinctement en français, et surtout face à un nouveau public. This allows students to speak in French in a strong voice and distinctively, and most of all, in front of a new audience.
La Brigade interviendra régulièrement, à chaque fois qu'un nouveau poème est appris. The squad will intervene regularly, each time a new poetry is learned.
Nous avons hâte de voir les petits et les grands intervenir à leur tour dans notre classe!
We can't wait to see younger and older students intervene in our classroom!
Au menu cette semaine:
Menu January 30 to February 3, 2012
Pork tenderloin
Sweet potatoes
Green beans
Pound cake with strawberry sauce
Minestrone soup
Puff pastry with spinach
Turkey shepherd’s pie
Simple salad
Blueberry crisp
Caesar salad
All meals are served with milk and water.
Monday, January 30, 2012
"Painting in Normandy and Beyond"
"Normandy Horizon #21" Pastel on Paper
Suzanne deLesseps
Six artists on a painting and photography holiday in France
Joelle Feldman, Suzanne deLesseps, Bobbi Heath, Katherine Clark,
Anne Macleod, Mary Tetro
Opening Reception
Saturday, February, 11, 2012
4pm to 7pm
showing through the end of March
Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery
720 Route One; Yarmouth, Maine 04096
tel: (207) 846-7777
Suzanne deLesseps
Six artists on a painting and photography holiday in France
Joelle Feldman, Suzanne deLesseps, Bobbi Heath, Katherine Clark,
Anne Macleod, Mary Tetro
Opening Reception
Saturday, February, 11, 2012
4pm to 7pm
showing through the end of March
Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery
720 Route One; Yarmouth, Maine 04096
tel: (207) 846-7777
Friday, January 27, 2012
La lettre de la MLF

The students of L'Ecole Française du Maine are featured in Mission Laïque Française's newsletter, alongside French schools in Ethiopia, Syria, Spain, Brazil, Nigeria, Bulgaria and China in their "Schools in image" rubric. This newsletter is distributed throughout the world to the 114 French schools of the MLF network.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Adult Education
L’Ecole Française du Maine offers multiple options for adults seeking to improve their speaking and writing skills, or simply trying to keep up with their children!
Private Classes
Personal curriculum to be created and taught according to the level and needs of the person. Cost: $40 per hour. Instructor: Elodie Le Nezet
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Group Classes (10 persons per group maximun)
A session of 15 weekly classes that will meet from 6pm to 7:30pm. The curriculum consists of oral and written comprehension, and oral and written expression. The French textbook “Campus” and workbook will be required and can be purchased through EFDM. Classwork will cover: grammatical points with explanations and application exercises, vocabulary, phonetics and repetition of different sounds, conversation and practice of dialogue between the students, and cultural experience. Group classes are offered at different levels:
Beginner Level 1: Mondays, start January 30
Beginner Level 4: Tuesdays, start January 31
Beginner Level 5: Mondays, start January 30
Intermediate: Tuesdays, start January 31
Cost: $375 per person, or $700 a couple.
For more information or registration, please call (207) 865-3308.
Private Classes
Personal curriculum to be created and taught according to the level and needs of the person. Cost: $40 per hour. Instructor: Elodie Le Nezet
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Group Classes (10 persons per group maximun)
A session of 15 weekly classes that will meet from 6pm to 7:30pm. The curriculum consists of oral and written comprehension, and oral and written expression. The French textbook “Campus” and workbook will be required and can be purchased through EFDM. Classwork will cover: grammatical points with explanations and application exercises, vocabulary, phonetics and repetition of different sounds, conversation and practice of dialogue between the students, and cultural experience. Group classes are offered at different levels:
Beginner Level 1: Mondays, start January 30
Beginner Level 4: Tuesdays, start January 31
Beginner Level 5: Mondays, start January 30
Intermediate: Tuesdays, start January 31
Cost: $375 per person, or $700 a couple.
For more information or registration, please call (207) 865-3308.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Stage AEFE à l'Ecole Internationale de Boston
Jean-François and Yassine participated in a workshop at the International School of Boston on the core curriculum, using the personal assessment booklets and individualized pedagogy.
Since 2005 the countries of the European Union have agreed on 8 key skills students need to have acquired at the end of their compulsory schooling in order to be independent and responsible citizens.
A common base of skills has been created, divided into three levels (end of grade two, end of grade 5 and end of grade 9). The personal assessment booklet is a tool to assess the acquisition of these skills:
• Mastery of the French language
• Main elements of mathematics, sciences and technology
• Human culture
• Social and civic skills
• Mastery of techniques for basic information and communication
• Independence and initiative
• Mastery of a second language
We are very satisfied by this training, which was brilliantly conducted by Ms Dubois-Lazzarotto, Inspector of the Ministry of Education in Paris. We were also able to exchange with colleagues from other French schools in the US (Boston, Houston, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, New York and New Orleans) and Canada.
Chinese New Year
Art club with Elodie
We have been starting a project on Picasso that will take us a few weeks. We will be exploring different works of his as well as techniques ; we started with a reproduction of the painting of a woman. We did a sketch of the outline and details and then proceeded in tracing it with a black pastel. We then colored it with pastels. The children have enjoyed discussing the many elements of the painting as well as trying to imagine the steps to achieve that work.
Vive la neige!
On Friday, January 20, the students of grades 2-6 took advantage of the fresh new snow! They went cross country skiing in South Freeport with their teachers, Elodie, Dasha and Henri. They had a lot of fun and really enjoyed this beautiful day. Vive la neige!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Rencontre avec Pat Gallant-Charette, une incroyable nageuse
Don't forget to visit the K-1 class blog for more amazing articles! (
Cette semaine, nous avons eu la chance de recevoir la visite d'une dame qui vit des aventures formidables! Elle se lance des défis qu'elle accomplit grâce à beaucoup de préparation, de travail et de courage. This week we had the chance to receive the visit from a lady who lives incredible adventures! She challenges herself for these adventures and is able to succeed thanks to a lot of preparation, work and courage.
Cette année, elle a traversé la Manche à la nage, entre Calais (France) et Douvres (Royaume-Uni), ce qui représente environ 35 km de distance. This year, she swam accross the English Channel, between Calais (France) and Douvres (UK), which is about 35 km long.

Les élèves avaient préparé cette rencontre en se posant des questions, auxquelles Pat a répondu avec plaisir. Voici quelques exemples: The children had prepared this meeting by asking themselves questions, which Pat answered with great pleasure. Here are a few:
- Comment as-tu mangé? How did you eat?
- En absorbant de la nourriture liquide qu'on me faisait passer à l'aide d'une perche, car je n'avais pas le droit de toucher le bateau et que je devais avaler tout en nageant sinon mon record ne serait pas homologué. I took liquid food that was given to me through a pole because I was not allowed to touch the boat and I had to swallow while swimming otherwise my record would not be registered.
- Est-ce que tu es revenue à la nage? Did you come back swimming?
- Non! No!
- Est-ce que tu étais fatiguée? Were you tired?
- Non, car je suis très bien préparée. No, because I was well prepared.
- Est-ce que tu as eu froid? Were you cold?
- Non, car je m'entraîne dans le Maine où l'eau est bien plus froide que dans la Manche! No, because I train in Maine where the water is a lot colder than in the Channel!
- Est-ce que tu as vu des requins ou des pieuvres? Did you see sharks or octopuses?
- Une fois, j'ai senti comme une peau de requin qui m'avait frôlée, mais ce n'était pas ça. Je n'ai pas vu de pieuvres, mais une centaine de dauphins m'ont accompagnée pendant trente minutes pendant une traversée en Californie! Once I felt something like shark skin grazing me, but it wasn't a shark. I didn't see octopuses, but a hundred of dolphins accompanied me for 30 minutes while I was swimming in California!
- Est-ce que tu as fait d'autres traversées? Did you do other crossings?
- Oui, par exemple le Détroit de Gibraltar (entre le Maroc et l'Espagne), entre Catalina Island et la côte de la Californie... Yes, for example I crossed the Strait of Gibraltar (between Morocco and Spain), between Catalina Island and the coast of California...
- Comment as-tu été aux toilettes? How did you go to the bathroom?
- J'ai fait comme les poissons! Like the fishes!
Elles nous a également montré des vidéos de ses exploits (que vous pouvez retrouver sur son blog, CLIC). She also showed us videos of her accomplishments (that you can find on her blog CLIC).
Elle nage en l'honneur de ses frères disparus, des personnes malades et de sa famille qui la soutient beaucoup. En conclusion, elle a dit "Je ne l'ai pas fait, mais nous l'avons fait", car c'était un vrai travail d'équipe. She is swimming in honor of her brothers who are gone, in honor of sick people and her family who support her a lot. She said "I didn't do it, but we did it", because it is a great team work.
Nous l'avons félicité et avons chanté une chanson qui s'intitule "Nage, nage".
We congratulated her and sang a song called " Swim, swim".
Enfin, nous lui avons offert un recueil de dessins que nous avions préparé sur le thème de sa traversée. Finally, we gave her a collection of drawings we had prepared on the theme of her Channel crossing.
Merci pour ta venue, et encore bravo, Pat!
Thank you for coming, and congratulations again Pat!
Thank you for coming, and congratulations again Pat!
CineClub: Elle s'appelait Sarah
Come enjoy an evening filled with snacks and drinks, the opportunity to socialize in French and English and see a great French movie.
All films are in French with English subtitles.
6:30 PM: Conversation, food and drinks
7:00 PM: Start of the film
After the Film: Discussion and exchange of feelings and thoughts
Next movie on January 18:

Un film de Gilles PAQUET-BRENNER, 2010, 1h51, drame, avec Kristin SCOTT-THOMAS, Melusine MAYANCE, Niels ARESTRUP…
Synopsis : Sarah is a 10-year-old girl living with her parents and younger brother in Paris in 1942 when French authorities arrest them and other Jewish families and send them to Nazi prison camps. In present day Paris, Journalist Julia Armond is determined to bring to light the little-known event in French history. She becomes obsessed with finding Sarah, who she believes was not killed in a concentration camp, and goes on a hunt to discover what became of her after the infamous Vel' d'Hiv Roundup.
Friday, January 6, 2012
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