Sunday, May 8, 2011

$12,500 Grant through the French Senate

Soizic Charpentier, Cultural attaché at the French Embassy in Washington has informed the school that a $12,500 grant had been attributed by the French senate during the last budget session. L'Ecole Française du Maine is very gratelful to L'Agence pour l'Enseignement Francais à l'Etranger, Nicole Hirsh and Senator André Ferrand who have been essential in securing this grant.

Nicole Hirsh, West Palm Beach Florida, represents the French Citizens of the East Coast of the United-States. She is a board member of several organization supporting French Nationals with social and education issues. She has been following closely the development of L'Ecole Française du Maine since its creation in 2002.

A message from André Ferrand, Senate in Paris
En tant que Sénateur représentant les français établis hors de France, j'ai la conviction que dans un monde internationalisé, l'avenir de la France se joue de plus en plus à l'étranger.
Je suis à votre écoute, en toute cordialité, Sénateur André Ferrand

As senator representing the French citizens living abroad, I am convinced the future of France is being determined more often outside of France.
I am at your service, Sincerely, Senator André Ferrand