On October 8, 2010 the classes of grades 2,3,4,5 and 6 went to the field on Pownal Road for mountain biking activities.
This was a wonderful day!
First, there was an evaluation of everyone's biking skills: balance, motor actions (pedaling, steering), taking into account information on the environment.
Then Didier and Valérie set up different workshops. In these workshops, games helped all the children improve the mastery of their biking skills- balance, speed and trajectories.
Afterwards, almost all the children were divided into ability group levels for a ride in the woods with Didier, while the others continued working in the workshops with Valérie. On the trails, we worked learn other skills, including how to:
-ride in group, master our speed to avoid collisions;
-avoid natural obstacles (roots, trees, etc.);
-anticipate field changes (up hill, down hill, etc.);
-change speed, pedal harder uphill.
Everyone had a good time while learning sports skills, respecting safety rules and practicing French and learning new vocabulary during this half-day. There were big smiles on everyone's faces... should we do it again?
Merci to Mr. Ring for bike transportation, to all the parents who could come (Reed's dad, Matisse's dad and Malika's dad), to Didier for fixing and setting the bikes which needed it and to Valérie and Didier for organizing this fun afternoon!