A great thank you to Etienne Giroire, who took the time from his busy schedule, five days before the race, to answer questions from second and third grade students.
How long will it take you to cross the Atlantic?
The record with a boat like mine is 19 days.
How and when will you be able to sleep?
I will sleep when I can; near the European shore or near Guadeloupe I cannot; too many risks (ie: collisions). I may be able to nap a few minutes at a time. When in the middle of the ocean, I'll have some opportunities to rest. If the wind stops, that means it's nap time!
What will you eat?
Fruits, cereals, pasta, saucisson, bread, lots of water and a few canned goods.
Can you fish?
No, my boat sails too fast.
How do you cook pasta on board?
It is a real treat that I have a small kitchen on the boat
What are some of the dangers you are facing?
The number one danger is collision with large commercial ships near Europe.
It is almost impossible to stay awake at all time.
How do you navigate the boat?
My job is to adjust the sail (orientation, surface etc..) depending on the wind conditions.
I use winches and ropes. The wind usually changes constantly and when it doesn't, I rest for a while.
Do you have a motor?
Yes, to recharge batteries and computers, but we cannot use it to race.
Etienne ended the questions with a great quote:
" La mer n'est pas un endroit dangereux, mais il faut savoir la parcourir"
Good luck Etienne and Atninc
More info at www.atninc.com