Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Les enfants font la cuisine!
On Wednesday December 8 the Pre-K and K-1 classes made cookies. They learned the names of the ingredients and helped Emilia to knead the dough. Then, they rolled it out and used cookie cutters to make cookies of various shapes: hands, feet, stars, lobsters, moose, etc. When they were cooked, the children did a wonderful job decorating them with colored frosting. It was hard not to eat them right away...
On Wednesday December 15 the children of grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 made lunch for everyone at school! Emilia taught them how to make pizza dough. They added their favorite toppings and Emilia cooked them for lunch. Some of them were even shaped into hearts! For dessert, we had the chocolate cupcakes they had decorated. Everything turned out to be delicious, and everyone had a lot of fun!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
La chorale des grands:
Oh Hé Hein Bon! - Nino Ferrer
Vive le vent!
La chorale des petits:
Quand je me promène dans la forêt - H. Dès
Y' avait des gros crocodiles...
Rock' n Roll des gallinacées
Bravo les artistes!
Monday, December 13, 2010
School performance of December 13
Band – 4/5/6th grade class (Linda Vaillancourt)
Mozart Melody
Jingle Bells - Traditional
Chorale - Pre-K and K-1 classes (Clarisse Bizot & Scott Vaillancourt)
Mon petit lapin - Children’s song
Quand je me promène au fond de la forêt - Henri Dès
Y’avait des gros crocodiles… - Children’s song
Rock’ n Roll des gallinacées - Children’s song
Classe de GS/CP – K-1 class (Clarisse Bizot & Stéphanie Looten-Caceres)
La leçon de Rock’ n roll / Rock’ n Roll lesson
Chorale - K-1 class (Clarisse Bizot & Scott Vaillancourt)
J’entends le loup, le renard et la belette - Folk song from Brittany
Classe de PS/MS – pre-K class (Valérie Legentil & Laura Marin)
Danses bretonnes - Traditional dance from Brittany
Classe de CE1 et CE2 – Grades 2 & 3 (Didier Carribou)
La Route du Rhum - Presentation
Classe de CM1, CM2 et 6ème – Grades 4, 5 & 6 (Elodie Le Nezet-Soule)
Caen - Skit from Raymond Devos
Chorale – grades 2 through 6 (Elodie Le Nezet-Soule, Scott Vaillancourt)
Le Petit cheval blanc - Georges Brassens
Un Autre monde - Téléphone
Oh Hé Hein Bon! - Nino Ferrer
Vive le vent - Traditional song
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
World Music Holiday Concert with the Kolosko Dimow Duo and Naia
Sunday, Dec. 12th, 7pm - $12/$10
Trinity Episcopal Church - 580 Forest Ave, Ptld.
Naia Celtic Flute and Harp Duo features traditional Celtic music from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Scandinavia and Quebec along with their own traditionally inspired compositions. Rich harmonies blend with delicate melodies to create Naia's unique sound. They have appeared together and in various ensembles throughout the USA and on international stages, including performances in India, Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, France and England. They have also been heard on BBC Glasgow, French National Television and NPR Radio.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Reunion d'information sur les retraites
Séance d'Information sur les retraites françaises - Réforme 2010
Lundi 13 décembre 2010, 18h00 - 20h00
EN FRANCAIS / IN FRENCH. Réforme des retraites 2010, rachat de trimestres pour années à l'étranger (demande de rachat possible avant multiplication par 4 du coût au 1er janvier 2011 !) ou années d'études, règles de cumul emploi-retraite, il est important de connaître les règles et les paramètres qui permettent d'optimiser ses droits acquis dans les régimes français et de définir la date optimum pour faire valoir ses droits à la retraite.
Afin de nous informer et de nous éclairer sur ces sujets, nous avons invité Bruno Renardier, Directeur de la société Assistance Retraite, qui se spécialise dans l’établissement de bilan retraite et dans la prise en charge des démarches de liquidation de retraite, conseille et assiste ses clients en toute indépendance sur leurs droits à la retraite.
18h Accueil des participants
18h15 - 20h Informations générales sur les règles des droits à la retraite (ensemble des régimes, régimes par annuité, régimes par points, incidence de la situation familiale, règles de réversion, carrières internationales, chômage et droits à la retraite, rachat de trimestres)
Réforme des retraites 2010
Règles à suivre pour optimiser ses droits
Réponses aux questions d’intérêt général
Lieu: L'Ecole Internationale de Boston - Church Hall
45 Matignon Road, Cambridge MA 02140 (map)
RSVP: assistant@faccne.org avant le 9 décembre. Gratuit et ouvert à tous. EN FRANCAIS / IN FRENCH.
Organisé par la FACCNE et Assistance Retraite avec le soutien de: Boston Accueil, UFE, le Consulat General de France à Boston, et l'Ecole Internationale.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Kitchen renovation

The school's new chef, Emilia Ulery, and her family have transformed the school's kitchen! Husband Hal, an architect, drew the designs pictured above to maximize space and improve the kitchen's overall look and functioning. Emilia put her organizational skills into the planning, and the Ulery children pitched in to assist their parents with the installation, making it all come together. They came into the school over the weekend prior to Thanksgiving and by Monday morning, the kitchen was completely finished. The makeover includes a new counter top, many new commercial grade stainless steel shelving units, a cooking preparation table, a new microwave, a fully-equipped teacher coffee-break area, an upright freezer and many professional cooking tools and supplies from Emilia's former catering business- all generously donated to the school by the Ulery family. We are so very grateful for the skill and kindness put forth by the whole family. The result is nothing short of magnificent!! Please be sure to peek in to see the welcoming kitchen, and to thank Emilia for the mouth-watering smells permeating the air!
Getting to know Emilia, our new Chef:
I grew up in a small town in Vermont and moved to North Carolina where I attended North Carolina State University, earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing in my early years. While raising our triplets and while my husband completed his Masters in Architecture I worked in a neonatal unit at a hospital in North Carolina. When Hal completed his internship and the children were older I decided to follow a dream to become a chef and studied at The Culinary Institute of America where I graduated with my Associate Degree in Culinary Arts. I then started my own successful catering business in North Carolina.
When Hal and I discovered that our youngest was afflicted with Cystic Fibrosis and allergy disorders that brought about Autism I began to study food as a medicine, researching holistic medicine, vitamins, nutrition and herbs to help heal my then three years old son. After receiving my certificate as a Health Counselor with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition I discovered our son's allergies to Gluten and Casein foods and began to focus my skills in those areas to create fun and good tasting foods that he could eat without losing flavor. Our family came to Maine because of Connor and his allergies. In North Carolina he was allergic to so much of the environment that he stayed indoors most of the time and received over twelve shots per month just to do that. However, after allergy panels, Maine was revealed as one of the most allergy friendly environments for Connor and now he lives and plays outdoors on our farm with only one shot per month to aid him with his allergies.
I will continue to cook for the farm stand in the summer but I feel a privilege to have the opportunity to work as a Chef for the students at L'Ecole Française du Maine during the school year. My husband and six children are my primary focus, however the school has become a great joy for me and the children have given me the greatest of appreciation and love.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
On Monday November 22, we had a Thanksgiving feast at school. Emilia prepared a wonderful meal for us. We had turkey with stuffing, a cornucopia filled with veggie sticks, and special Thanksgiving themed desserts including a turkey made of fruit, a chocolate pilgrim hat and chocolate acorns- all created especially for us. We even had special pilgrim napkin rings...with each child's picture on them! The tables were beautifully decorated with hand-carved pumpkins and ice cream cone tee-pees, which Emilia gave to the elementary students at the end of the meal. Thank you so much Emilia for the time and care spent preparing this delicious and festive celebration! It was enjoyed by all. Merci beaucoup Emilia and to your daughters Emily and Miriam who volunteered to help! Happy Thanksgiving !!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Suzuki concert Nov.22: Violin
We also want to thank DeeDee, Nathan and Leah, the music teachers, for the interesting information they presented and for giving their valuable time on Monday morning to speak with parents and attend the concert. Merci beaucoup!
Suzuki Concert November 22: Cello
Please click play to watch Madeleine's cello performance of Allegro by Dr. Suzuki.
Bravo to all the talented guitarists, violinists, pianists and cellists and "Merci" for a wonderful concert!
Thank you to all of the parents and friends who attended!
Suzuki Concert November 22: Guitar
Please click play to watch Colin's guitar performance accompanied by teacher Nathan Kolosko.
Suzuki Concert November 22: Piano
Please click play to watch Eva play the piano at the Suzuki concert.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Les dents!
A big "Merci" to Dr. Michelle Shems for her wonderful presentation on teeth in the K-1 class on Monday, November 22. Dental hygiene is a part of the K-1 curriculum and we were very fortunate to have a French-speaking parent (who also happens to be an orthodontist) in our school community!
Michele, we loved your "dragon-dinosaur" puppet, and we enjoyed brushing his teeth. We learned a lot about our baby teeth and adult teeth! Thank you also for the bag of goodies each child received- toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, eraser and the purple tablets that show us where we need to brush more. It was fun and we learned a lot! - The K-1 classroom
Friday, November 19, 2010
Les contes de Charles Perrault

The students of 4th grade have been studying traditional tales by Charles Perrault, many of which they had heard about. The interesting part for them was to compare the version of the tale they knew with the one written by Perrault.
First, we studied together Le Petit Chaperon Rouge and Barbe Bleue and explored the structure and the morale of the traditional tale. Then, they individually worked on a tale that they presented to their peers in the classroom. We had presentations of Riquet à la Houppe, Le Petit Poucet, La Belle au Bois Dormant and Peau d’Ane.
They did a fantastic job that you can see in the classroom.
"Chez Elle"

The students of 4th, 5th and 6th grades have been working on a project collaborating French literature and art. In class, they studied the book « Chez Elle » by author Beatrice PONCELET, in which the narrator, a child, explores the different worlds of adults surrounding her, who have very different personalities.
Following the study of the book, each student wrote an essay describing their own world, their own universe with their activities, personal experiences. The project was named « Chez Moi ».
Then, in art class with Valy, they imagined and illustrated their « chez moi » very creatively and enthusiastically. You can check their « œuvres » in the hallway.
Enjoy !
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Muscular Dystrophy Association Lock-up

Willy was arrested at school this morning by Freeport Police Department and taken by Police Cruiser to the "MDA Jail" at the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Freeport.
Thankfully, L'Ecole Française du Maine was able to bail him out with a $150 donation.
Please consider helping "Jerry's Kids".
Donations to MDA provide help and hope in many ways:
- Clinics - expert specialized medical care
- Research - cutting edge investigation into treatments and cures
- Support - help obtaining equipment and coping with challenges
- Camp - a barrier-free week of fun, friendship and laughter for kids
Visit http://mda.org for information on how Muscular Dystrophy Association makes a difference to people around the country and in your community.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Etienne Giroire safely on board cargo ship

Second and Third grade students from L'Ecole Française du Maine have been following Etienne Giroire 's participation in "La Route du Rhum-La Banque Postale 2010" solo yacht race across the Atlantic. Students have exchanged emails and communicated via Skype with the skipper while plotting his position on maps and learning about math, sciences and geography. Students and their teacher Didier Carribou will be contacting Etienne upon his arrival in Guadeloupe to cheer him up...more to come...
photos courtesy of: ATNinc; Yachtpals.com; AFP; La route du Rhum - La Banque Postale 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Kip Stone's adventures during "La Route du Rhum"
Kip, with his talent for storytelling, captivated our second and third graders with topics such as: how to get rid of a smelly flying fish, navigating through terrible storms, techniques for fighting sleep deprivation, and how to climb a mast in high seas. This presentation was thought provoking and inspiring for our students, who had prepared many questions about Kip' s victorious participation in "La Route du Rhum" and "Jacques Vabre" solo transatlantic races.
Kip also talked, "in French!", about the unique camaraderie and respect at sea amongst sailors and explained why a race is usually won before it has even started!
Kip described Etienne Giroire's challenges during the final stages of the race and encouraged our students to cheer him on by sending him short emails.
When not at sea, Kip Stone owns and manages "Cool as the Moose" stores in Maine and Quebec while running Westbrook printing company "Artforms". We thank Kip for taking time from his busy schedule to speak with our students. Merci!!
Etienne Giroire capsizes, skipper safe and well.