Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 2019: Le mois de la Francophonie

La Grande Fête de la Francophonie 

Each year, as part of the world-wide celebration of Francophonie Month (a celebration of Francophone countries and the French language), the Consulate General of France in Boston, the Gendron Franco Center and l'Ecole Française du Maine organize activities celebrating the French Culture.
For the last thirteen years, the entire school has performed at the Gendron Franco Center for Heritage and Performing Arts in Lewiston.

This year's performance is the result of collaboration among every member of our staff - not just a handful of them, but ALL of them. Our dedicated teachers all helped to put this performance together, meeting on a weekly basis since the fall to figure out all aspects of the planning, scripting, choreography, and props. It is a true testament to their teamwork, and we thank them for all of their efforts to make this happen. 

We are extremely grateful for the Gendron Franco Center for Heritage and Performing Arts for its continued partnership - it is an honor for our school community to be invited here each year.