The 3rd Grade students visited the Visitor's Center in Yarmouth to gather information about Maine. They have just begun a unit that focuses on the State of Maine where they are working on labeling all 16 counties in Maine, singing the '16 Counties of Maine' song, and researching a county of their choice. Students gathered information about their chosen county for their research project to create a travel brochure for their county. Their brochure will include restaurants, accommodations, things to do, special events, as well as factual information specific to each county. Good Luck to the 3rd Grade!

Thursday, March 17, 2016
The 3rd grade visits Yarmouth Visitor's Center
The 3rd Grade students visited the Visitor's Center in Yarmouth to gather information about Maine. They have just begun a unit that focuses on the State of Maine where they are working on labeling all 16 counties in Maine, singing the '16 Counties of Maine' song, and researching a county of their choice. Students gathered information about their chosen county for their research project to create a travel brochure for their county. Their brochure will include restaurants, accommodations, things to do, special events, as well as factual information specific to each county. Good Luck to the 3rd Grade!