Friday, May 15, 2015

Best Pottery Store in Freeport !

Forget the glamour of busy downtown Freeport, Kittery or Route 1 -  the new retail scene is in the woods behind the school where a fabulous retail store has just opened. It is not just your traditional outlet, this pottery shop has its own manufacturing components from the crew digging for clay, logistics with high performance tonka trucks,  a crew carrying water across the entire playground, chemists mixing the secret formula,  artistic potters and a retail manager.  Of course, the store includes a bank full of acorns (the preferred currency) and unfortunately.... robbers!  The museum showcases the best pieces of pottery which cannot be sold - not even for 10 acorns - as they are priceless. Best of all, this entire enterprise was realized entirely by the kids! What cooperation and creativity at work!

Check it out ! Once you see for yourself, you'll understand why your kids are begging to stay for aftercare!