L’Ecole Française du Maine is seeking your help in providing relief to Haiti at this difficult time. The French school in Haiti, Centre Alcibiade-Pommayrac, located in Jacmel, just outside of Port-Au-Prince, was completely demolished during the earthquake. While the 740 students in the school were fortunately able to escape unharmed, the wife of the Principal was tragically killed. The Director of the school, Gérard Borne, who also serves as the Honorary Consul of France to Haiti informed the Mission Laïque Française (MLF) of these events.
This school is affiliated with the MLF, as is L’Ecole Française du Maine. The 107 French schools worldwide belonging to the MLF are now working together to raise funds to rebuild the school in Jacmel, Haiti.
A special fund has been created in Paris at the CIC Transatlantic Bank for this effort. Each of the MLF member schools is collecting donations to send to this cause. Your donations are entirely tax-deductible, and can be made out to the order of L’Ecole Française du Maine. The funds collected by the individual schools will be forwarded to the account in Paris and then allocated directly to the contractors of the rebuilding project. Thank you for any contribution you can make. Donations large and small are appreciated. Please help us rebuild Centre Alcibiade-Pommayrac to make a lasting difference in light of this disaster.
This school is affiliated with the MLF, as is L’Ecole Française du Maine. The 107 French schools worldwide belonging to the MLF are now working together to raise funds to rebuild the school in Jacmel, Haiti.
A special fund has been created in Paris at the CIC Transatlantic Bank for this effort. Each of the MLF member schools is collecting donations to send to this cause. Your donations are entirely tax-deductible, and can be made out to the order of L’Ecole Française du Maine. The funds collected by the individual schools will be forwarded to the account in Paris and then allocated directly to the contractors of the rebuilding project. Thank you for any contribution you can make. Donations large and small are appreciated. Please help us rebuild Centre Alcibiade-Pommayrac to make a lasting difference in light of this disaster.