Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Souvenirs d'automne - DVD

We are pleased to present you with the opportunity to purchase our school DVD!

The DVD represents an entire year of work- shooting the footage, selecting and editing and preparing the completed film. The result is a marvelous accomplishment and a souvenir to cherish for years to come.

DVD Cost: $25.00 per copy

About the film: “Souvenirs d’automne”
The children of the school invite you to share their autumn memories.
Each class presents their favorite moments: a walk in the woods, arts, discovery of autumn, field trips, halloween parade, etc.
Bravo to the 6th grade class, who edited the film!
In addition to the movie, you will find the two trailers and extracts from concerts where the chorus sang and the children played music.

Please note that the DVD has no zone restriction, it can be read/viewed in Europe as well as in the USA. Email Elodie at: for more information.