Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nos prénoms en hiéroglyphes

Don't forget to visit the K-1 class blog for more amazing articles! (http://gscpefdm.blogspot.com/)

Après quelques lectures documentaires sur le monde de l'Egypte antique, les élèves de la classe ont écrit leur prénom en hiéroglyphes grâce à un alphabet spécial.
After reading documentaries about ancient Egypt, the children of the class wrote their first names in hyeroglyphics thanks to a special alphabet.

Ce n'était pas facile, car certaines lettres étaient très complexes à tracer. It wasn't easy because some letters are very complex to write.

Mais tout le monde s'est appliqué et le plus difficile maintenant, c'est de réussir à traduire les prénoms... But everyone took great care and the most difficult part now is for us to be able to translate the names...
Qui saura retrouver le travail de son copain ou de son enfant?
Who will be able to find the work of their friend or child?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Cabin Fever?

Join the South Freeport Church Community for "Cabin Fever Cure"
on Saturday, March 24 for a "Bean Suppah" & Family Bingo.
 Dinner is $7 for adults and $5 for children  and includes beans, hotdogs,  coleslaw, homemade pies and beverages.

Dinner will be served from 5 to  6:30 pm.

 Family bingo begins at 6:30 pm.   Bingo cards cost 25 cents  each.
For more information call the South Freeport Church at 865-4012. 

De grands travaux

Don't forget to visit the K-1 class blog for more amazing articles! (http://gscpefdm.blogspot.com/)

Ces dernières semaines, la neige est tombée, a gelé, a fondu... L'occasion pour les enfants d'observer les différents états de l'eau et surtout de jouer avec!
For the past few weeks snow fell, froze, and melted... It was a great opportunity for children to observe the different states of water, and most of all, to play with it!

La cour de récréation étant finalement envahie par de grandes flaques d'eau, de grands travaux ont été entrepris par tous les élèves de l'école. Ils ont beaucoup discuté pour trouver le moyen d'évacuer l'eau et la solution retenue a été celle du détournement afin d'irriguer la forêt!
In the end, the playground was covered with big puddles of water, and all the children of the school started great works. They discussed the best way to evacuate the water and a solution chosen was to divert it in order to irrigate to the forest!
A chaque récréation, tout le monde s'attelle à la tâche, les petits comme les grands: tranchées à creuser, circuits à tracer, solutions pour écoper. Ils déploient des trésors d'ingéniosité et de patience pour ce grand projet.
During every recess everyone gets to work, the little children and the big ones: digging trenches, creating circuits, finding solutions to bail out. They used a lot of ingenuity and patience for this project.
Alors c'est certes très salissant, mais aussi très gratifiant et amusant! Bravo à tous! It is of course very messy, but also very rewarding and a lot of fun!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

La salle des profs


Now that the children are having lunch at Provisions, the school kitchen has been turned into a staff room. Yesterday, Beth and Willy prepared a delicious breakfast for all of us, complete with beautiful flowers to decorate our new space. 
Merci beaucoup! We appreciate it very much!

Lunch at Provisions

Having Lunch au restaurant is fun and delicious!
Meet Margot!
A long time dream has come true- 
The children of L'Ecole Française du Maine are now 
having lunch daily at "Provisions", the adjacent café in the village!

The School extends thanks to Provisions and owner, Margot, for catering lunches for the School. The children are now able to go to Provisions each noon for their lunch. Margot prepares delicious healthy homemade meals to the delight of the children and staff. This new partnership is a win-win for all. Margot has been very easy to work with as we adapt to this new program. She has shown a true interest in the children and in preparing meals they will like and that are healthy. Margot will also continue our tradition of preparing meals that can also support the curriculum, such as foods from a country being studied in the classroom. Please join us in welcoming Margot into the school community!

The School has been challenged with preparing meals each day for growing numbers of children and with limited space for lunches, while Provisions was operating only seasonally in the village. Collaboration turned out to be the ideal solution. With the school lunch program, Provisions will be able to stay open year-round- news which has been well-received in the village, and eating at Provisions frees up needed space in the School! We are very excited about this collaboration, and the students are also very happy too!

The School wishes to thank Freeport Services, Inc. for their wonderful work in grooming the path between the school and the "restaurant". They painted a crosswalk across the school parking lot, opened the fence for a gate, and groomed the path by clearing brush and adding crushed rock. Next they built a ramp to replace stairs for the children to access the lunch room more easily. Now, the children can walk to the restaurant without ever going near the road. They enter the lunch room by an entrance that is off-limits to and separated from the café itself. The lunch room has it own bathroom too. The School thanks Doug Piehl and his crew at Freeport Services, Inc. not only for the amazing work they completed, but for making it all happen in time for our first day of the new lunch program!

Finally, thanks go to John Brewer and the Brewer Marine Crew for helping move the lunch tables from the school to the restaurant, and to the families who have been so supportive and have shown their enthusiasm for this new and refreshing change in the lunch program! Bon appetit!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gallery Conversations

Gallery Conversations
An Evening with the Artists

Saturday, March 10th,  2012, from 4PM  to 6PM

"Painting in Normandy and Beyond" 

Six artists on a painting and photography holiday in France

Please join us 
for  libations and conversations with the artists. 

Joelle Feldman
Suzanne deLesseps
Bobbi Heath
Katherine Clark
Anne Macleod
Mary Tetro

Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery
720 Route One
Yarmouth, Maine 04096

Friday, February 24, 2012

Menu February 27 to March 2, 2012

Vegetable quiche
Caesar salad
Mini muffin
Cut fruit

Roasted Turkey w/gravy
Green beans
Pumpkin pie

Carrot raisin apple salad

Tuna melts
Chopped salad
Clementine wedges

Turkey rice stew
Celery/carrot sticks

All meals are served with milk and water.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Menu February 20 to February 24, 2012

No school

Rice & black bean
Corn and cheese quesadilla
Chopped salad w/ranch

Roast pork
String beans
Magic bars

Baked macaroni & cheese
Mixed greens
Fresh fruit 

Fresh Tomato soup w/mini pigs in a blanket
Carrot sticks

All meals are served with milk and water.

Friday, February 17, 2012

African Music from Mali

Today, Lanssine came to show us his musical instruments from his native country, Mali. It was fun watching Lanssine play rhythms and music on these unique instruments and we enjoyed having the chance to try them ourselves. Lanssine told us the history of the instruments. For example, he explained how the instrument that resembled a xylophone -  le balafon -  was traditionally used by the people who served as mediators, like judges, to help resolve disputes. It was also used in the fields while people work to motivate them. Work becomes more fun with music! At the end of the session, we played music in groups of three or four students at a time using the different types of drums (les djembés).

Club de musique

The second session of music club has come to an end! In addition to learning about rhythm, we created our very own maracas with different types of grains. We decorated them and enjoyed recreating rhythms with them. The club was so much fun. Vive la musique!

Le jardin des quatre saisons:

While reading the traditional Japanese tale “Urashima”, the students of grades 2 and 3 discovered the marvelous garden of the four seasons hidden in the Dragon King’s palace. The Dragon King is the father of the princess in love with Urashima. The children created these lovely works by using collage and painting. They worked in groups according to seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter to create the garden of the 4 seasons. In each composition, the color tones and decorations were made with collage from magazines. Finally, the children designed bridges crossing the garden of the four seasons and the river in the middle.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Consulat Général de France à l'Ecole

Chers compatriotes,

M. Grégory Hamon, Vice-Consul à Boston, se rendra à South Freeport, le 2 mars 2012 afin de rencontrer les Français établis dans le Maine.

Il pourra vous accueillir entre 12h00 et 16h00  
dans les locaux de  L'Ecole Française du Maine

Auprès de M. Hamon, il vous sera possible de procéder aux démarches suivantes :
- demande de procuration de vote en prévision des prochaines élections,
- demande de carte nationale d'identité sécurisée (CNIS),
- remise de passeport préalablement demandé au Consulat à Boston,
- présentation de tout document administratif nécessitant le visa du Consulat.
La permanence consulaire peut également vous permettre de transmettre directement des documents pour des demandes relatives à l’état civil (transcriptions d’actes de naissance ou de mariage) ou à la nationalité. Ces demandes ne seront en revanche pas vérifiées et traitées sur place mais transmises à la personne en charge au consulat qui vous recontactera par la suite.
Les démarches qui ne peuvent pas être reçues par la permanence consulaire :
- Les demandes de passeport, qui nécessitent la prise d’empreintes biométriques, ne peuvent pas être reçues en dehors du consulat général à Boston,
- Les actes notariés.

Il vous sera demandé de vous munir des pièces exigées pour chaque type de demande; pour connaître la liste des documents à présenter, 
merci de visiter le site internet du Consulat 

Le Consulat vient à vous, profitez-en !
Le Consulat général de France à Boston

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kolosko & Dimow & Noyes Concert

Nathan Kolosko will be joined by Carl Dimow and Benjamin Noyes in a concert of his own works for solo guitar and trio. 
The program will include premieres of two new solo works and a performance of the final revised version of his Hungarian trio for flute, guitar and cello.

Where: First Parish Church, 425 Congress Street  Portland, ME 04101  (207) 773-5747

When: February 23rd 12:00 noon, donation suggested 

Three Curiosities
   -   Nathan Kolosko (2012)
Clown Solace
Blue Arabesque
Hungarian Trio
 -   Nathan Kolosko (2011)
Round Dance
Ancient Melody
Spinning Dance

Dénouement  -   Nathan Kolosko (2011)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Skiing at Sunny Sugarloaf-USA

On Friday, February 10, elementary students of l'Ecole Française du Maine went to Sugarloaf, USA for a day of Alpine skiing. While beginning skiers participated in "Perfect Turn" classes with French speaking Sugarloaf ski instructors, our experienced skiers explored the mountain in small groups with teachers and parent ski coaches.  The weather was simply amazing and three of our students learned to ski that day!  All are anxious to get back to the mountain next month!
Elodie LeNezet-Soule on the new Skyline lift in the morning 
with the experienced student skiers.
Beginners ready to ski down Whiffletree with Amélie and Elodie
The advanced group at the "Beach" after lunch 
getting ready for the SuperQuad
Perfect turn clinic with French speaking instructor
This is what school is all about!
Photo: Jennifer Yilmaz

A special thank you to our parent ski coaches who made this outing possible.
Keeping up on the Black Diamonds with some of 
our  "Champions" was not an easy task !