The event was well attended by families, neighbors, friends of the school and distinguished guests. On the left, State Representative, David Webster discusses with Freeport Town Manager: Peter Joseph and Town Hall manager Johanna Hanselman. School parents in the background.
From left to right: Richard Ortoli: AFE; Consul General Fabien Fieschi; Louis Morin: Executive Director of the Franco-American Heritage Center and Larry Gilbert: Lewiston Mayor visit the new classroom.
From left to right Jean-François Fouque: third grade teacher; Willy LeBihan; Consul General Fabien Fieschi; Dasha Betts: Second Grade Teacher; Anne Miller: Cultural Attachée. Students from the 2nd-3rd grade class.
First grade classroom teacher Yassine Merchi reads a story to his students. Consul General Fabien Fieschi and Cultural Attachee Anne Miller.
Kindergarten Teacher Philomene Rossini engages her students in a vocabulary game.
The Parents' Association prepared a reception at the Community Hall