Workshops and discussions were lead by Mr. Philippe Zeller, Ambassador of France to Canada, Ms. Hélène Farnaud-Defromont, Director of the AEFE, (Agency for French Education Abroad) Jean-Christophe Deberre, General Director of the MLF (Mission Française Laïque), Mark Sherringham, Cultural Attaché, Alain Rossignol, AEFE Pedagogical Inspector for North America and Myriam Fournier-Dulac, Christine Paugam, Marie Lozano of the French Ministry of Education.
A particularly interesting conference on Technology in Education (the use of I-pads, Facebook, wikipedia etc..) was lead by Thierry Karsenty, Professor at University of Montréal.
A great opportunity to collaborate with other Heads of Schools and Pedagogical Directors in our network!
Eric Thuau, Head of School, French American School of Puget Sound, Washington State; Willy LeBihan, Founder and Head of the French School of Maine
Emmanuelle Varo, Pedagogical Coordinator MLF America, Sophie Polin, Pedagogical director at MLF headquarters in Paris; Willy and Elizabeth LeBihan founders of L'Ecole Française du Maine.