Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lego Robotics and Mindstorm Programming are coming to the French School

The French school is now offering a Lego Robotics Club: Sandrine and Yassine went trough an intensive training with Tom Bickford, (Executive Director for Maine Robotics) to learn how to build and program robots to do what we want. There are many different steps that the kids are going to learn through the club:
The kids will learn how to build following a plan. Some plans have 70 pages.
 Write a program to make the robot turn, grab, move and even  talk
Et voilà Bob !
We can't wait to have little robots running through the school. This week-end, some of our students went to the Maine FIRST LEGO League Championship at the Civic Center in Augusta. We watched 72 teams competing.  The kids were able to drive some of the high school 's robots.  
If you want to learn more about  Lego Robotics, check out the website at :