Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Concours d’art: "Tibili le petit garçon qui ne voulait pas aller à l’école"

The 1st and 2nd grade class participated in an art contest organized by the French Consulate in Boston. It was based on the book "Tibili le petit garçon qui ne voulait pas aller à l’école" by Marie Léonard and Andrée Prigent. This is the story of Tibili, a 6 year-old African boy, who spends his days laughing. When his mom talks about school, it’s a catastrophe! Tibili doesn’t want to go…
The participants had to create, alone or as a group, a sculpture, drawing, model, collage, photo or painting inspired by the theme ‘My school in Africa’.
About 15 New England schools participated, and we are proud to announce that Murielle’s class finished second! Bravo!